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This statement is made pursuant to section 54(1) of the Modern Slavery Act 2015 and constitutes the company’s slavery and human trafficking statement for the years 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023 and 2024.


Our Organisation
TBF Thompson (Garvagh) Ltd operates solely in the United Kingdom from several locations. The company’s registered office being 6-10 Killyvalley Road, Garvagh, Coleraine, BT51 5JZ.


The automotive supply chain is one of the most complex in any industry, there can be multiple participants in the chain between the raw materials and the customer. TBF Thompson (Garvagh) Ltd expects all contracted business partners in the supply chain to uphold high standards of conduct.


TBF Thompson (Garvagh) Ltd clearly communicates its expectations; important contributing obligations for contracted business partners include the ethical behaviour clauses that form an important part of our contracts


Our policy on Slavery and Human Trafficking
The company has a zero tolerance policy towards slavery and human trafficking and is committed to maintaining and improving processes to ensure that slavery and human trafficking is not taking place anywhere in our organisation, our supply chain or products.


The company has since implemented the following policy ‘Slavery and Human Trafficking Policy’ aimed at preventing the use of any supplies or services within the organisation which does not fall within the requirements of the Modern Slavery Act 2015.


Supply Chain
Respecting human rights and environmental issues whilst at the forefront of our vision is ultimately our supplier’s responsibility. The company continues to work with our supplier and business partners to ensure adherence to the company’s expected standards. 


Training and Staff Involvement
All employees are expected to be aware of and to follow the company’s Anti-Slavery and Human Trafficking Policy. Managers of the company are required to act where concerns are raised whether from inside or outside the business. 


In order to ensure proper understanding of the risks posed by modern slavery and human trafficking, the company intends to provide further training to its employees.



All questions and requests regarding this statement should be addressed to:
John Deighan

Financial Director
TBF Thompson (Garvagh) Ltd


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